2 Today, I think I've officially reached the stuff that is over my head because I've never experienced it first hand. I'm very, very close to the "end" of the horse training section, and ready to move on to training the rider (which I get a kick out of, because it's literally about a tenth of the length of training the horse). Hopefully, I'll have the book done before the weekend is over, so I can go back and take proper notes from all of my outlines. If not, I'll get back to it when I can.
9 My first four dressage letters are done! Yippee!! Now, all I have to do is wait to find the time to go back to "the big city" to pick up the last four plaques to finish the full set. I'm halfway there to getting to cross another item off my list!
17 I got several pretty awesome photos today, mostly because the dogs decided to pile up on the loveseat with one of those great big lounge pillows on it. Pretty cute stuff.
27 My band of the week is Crystal Castles, another one recommended to me by my brother. They've got a pretty different sound, but I didn't mind listening to them at all. Worth looking into, if you're open minded about music.
40, 44 and 46 are all still going well, and I'm hoping to start up 45 next week. We'll see how that goes, since it went so well *last* week ;-)
88 Design my dream house
This unofficially began today, as I started gathering "dream house" ideas on Pinterest. See? I knew it would be good for more than just wasting time!
Today's 5 Things
- I got to help a horse in need.
- I got my round bale delivered, and got a lead on some more square bales.
- Tomorrow is absolutely free for me to go work out (I can't wait until I'm given the all clear to work out daily. And would you look at that! I never thought I'd *want* to go work out!)
- I had enough will power to eat at home today, instead of going out (I was *thiiiiiiis* close!)
- I have a lot of motivation to write, so hopefully I'll get a hefty chunk of my embarassing 'fic worked on tomorrow. I can only hope :-)
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