Dinner and game at the table (I won Guess Who? AGAIN!)
I got a good workout in, but it totally kickedmy butt.
I finished reading my Podhajsky book, and decided that the airs above ground kind of freak me out a little bit.
This current half of a month failed to get a completed DIY/home improvement project completed, mainly due to the weather (for the fencing), my complete and utter confusion and lack of knowledge (for the weather stripping) and lack of funds (for the laundry room floor getting redone). I solemnly swear that in the month of August, not one, but all three of these DIYs will get done, and odds are good that I'm going to throw some bulbs in the ground around the arena. I'd like to get the arena weeded, too, so that I can legitimately begin to try to figure out how on earth I'm going to remove two feet deep worth of sand from it so I don't have to worry about tendon injuries when I want to ride in there. Bold declaration, for one month, but I'm game!
The laundry and floors and dishes and tidiness are all top-notch today, and I took my daily picture (album for all of these still pending).
I also got the requirements to achieve a 100% on the PT test - For a woman of my age, I need a 29" or smaller waist, to do at least 47 push ups in one minute, at least 54 sit ups in one minute and to run a mile and a half in 10:23. I've got the waist and sit ups down pat already, *might* have the push ups, but have never really tried that hard because, well, I hate doing push ups. I've got a ways to go on the run, though. At least now I have a set guideline to aim for!
I had a brilliant idea while I was folding laundry, though. In high school, we only had four classes a day, but we rotated between "A days" and "B days". This allowed us about an hour and a half or something for each class, meaning we were actually able to get things done during class hours. I think that I'm going to make a similar schedule for myself, allowing an hour in the morning for me time, a school-length day, broken into "classes" to get things done, and then around 3, when "school" is out, I can have more free time. I was super, duper productive in school, so hopefully this will kick my rear in gear. My biggest dilemma is whether or not writing and riding count as fun/extra-curricular activities for me or if they would be actual "classes." Wondering about this is probably what's going to keep me up (even later) tonight :-/
My 5 Things:
- I got ice cream today <3 I love ice cream and haven't had any in two whole weeks! <3
- Both of the horses AND their hay survived the very loud, very impromptu thunderstorm we had last night with no complaints (and I'm extra thankful that we got rain at all!)
- "Not Our Fish" went home today, effectively freeing up about two square feet of counter space and allowing me to plug my toaster in again (and I even got paid for taking care of a fish! How cool is that?!)
- I finally got around to cleaning out the barn after about a week of not doing so and it feels great :) The horses haven't been spending a lot of time in there lately, and so I'd been pretty lazy about blowing out the aisle and sweeping up loose hay.
- I got SmartPak's new catalog/magazine today with "26 Easy Ways to take your horse's health from good to great," and discovered that I'm either actively doing all of them or had in the past and am waiting to start up again. Yippee!
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