Well, I had a list for today and, while I couldn't cross *all* of the items *completely* off, I'm proud to say that I crossed all of them at least partially off. Out of 8 things that I wanted to get to today, five of them got completely crossed off. One that didn't was something I honestly didn't really want to do, one was something that frustrated me too much to finish in one sitting, and the other was one that I didn't have all of the resources necessary available at the time. So, while I can't say anything about not getting the laundry room finished with its declutter, I can say that I was really pretty productive today.
2 I finished the section on training the horse today, and got some super good quotes. Funny story here, though. I literally just got so light headed that I almost passed out, so I'm not going to type out the quotes today. I'll get to that in the morning.
14 I got 1225 words written on my 'fic today, which is almost a full NaNo's day worth. Not to bad for half an hour before the husband woke up! (and yes, it's *that* embarassing that I'm not even crazy about the idea of him reading it)
17 Today's photo is of Ninja curled up in her bedbox. Pretty cute stuff.
18 Finishing Mordin's head was on the list that didn't get done, but let me tell you, Salarians are a BITCH to sculpt. I ended up getting to frustrated with him for now and put him aside before I quit liking what I was doing.
32 and 33 went relatively well today, though with a few hickups. I had a really hard time getting up the urge to go to the gym today (it was raining - yay!), and once I got there, I kept trying to think up excuses to not workout. Well, I pushed myself through, even though there was a group of about 30 people getting a tour of the gym that seemed to follow where I went. I feel good about finishing instead of giving up today.
44 got done with some help from the hubs <3
60 Today was another no-spend day. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to settle for 5 this month, which is fine by me, since I only had half the month to play with (and about four unexpected bills show up in that time).
93 During dinner (at the table), we had a very close game of Guess Who? In the end, I won, because I am the Guess Who? master.
My 5 Things:
- We got RAIN!
- I made very steady progress on today's list - something I haven't done in forever. I really should get a planner again.
- Sucking it up and getting through my workout made me feel awesome and empowered.
- My husband is the best support ever!
- Our air conditioner wasn't actually borken - we had just accidentally bumped it to "on" instead of "auto." Thank goodness!
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