For some reason, I didn't get actually ready to go to sleep/tired until 2am - I'm hoping my insomnia isn't coming back. Anyway, I happened to do a quick peek on my horses, who were outside, to find that there was a HUGE storm rolling in. So, at 2am, I cleaned stalls and water buckets, stuffed hay bags, corraled all three barn cats, brought both horses in and tarped the round bale while surrounded by cloud-to-ground lightening. After going back inside, I went to sleep, happy that it was going to rain.... rain that never actually came. I should rephrase that. We got *something* but the rain gauge didn't register it.
After getting to sleep some time around 3, I woke up at 8 to do my normal morning things later than I should, which threw off the entire day. I stumbled in to the gym sometime between noon and 2 (like I said, my day was pretty rough) and had a terrible workout. Apparently, I'm either not done being sick or my body was revolting having three days off in a row. I'm going to attempt to try again tomorrow. Came home to see the house with "fresh" eyes and discover a collection of dirty clothes that my husband was hiding in the living room, as well as a sink full of dirty dishes that he swore to me he'd clean. Among the list of other crap today, we had (another) financial hickup (that is something that we cannot control, which makes it even more stressful), 2 of my fish tank filters are screwed up, my husband did a stellar job at the whole "I'll help you with x,y,z, just tell me when" and then ignore me for freaking Skyrim, and then he told me to bake him cookies before he went to work - an hour before he had to leave. On top of that, we had a *90% chance of rain* today that also never came.
Trying to find a good side of today, I really am.
I didn't get any reading done, but I've been trucking along on my fanfic. Tonight, I think I've earned the right to tell my doctor (not to his face) screw you and write in bed, since that is what I want to do. I'll keep working on fixing my insomnia later. All of my routine things got done like they ought to. Got to the gym, but not sure if I can count today as an actual workout.
My 5 Things (this is going to be a stretch today)
- My dogs always find a way to make me smile
- I got some bright, new nail polish
- I cashed in my "frequent ice cream eater" card at DQ and got a free blizzard because, dammit, I deserved it today
- Totally rocked out to some Raffi today
- I caught myself almost putting nutmeg in the cookies instead of cinnamon before it happened. On second thought, maybe I *should* have used the nutmeg and see if I get told to be a short-order baker again.
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