Monday, August 27, 2012

Days 42 and 43

Yeah, this blogging business is totally not going as planned.  I'm thinking about taking the week off, where I just keep a notebook or something with my progress than blog all at once about it later, to see if it makes me want to start blogging again.

Yesterday yielded a no spend day, walking the dogs and picking the paddocks.  One more no spend day for the month, which is great, because the month is almost over.

My 5 Things for yesterday:
  1. I put my Mass Effect ponies away for now.  This is good because it makes my computer desk SO much cleaner, and I'm hoping that taking a short break from them will keep my motivation strong so I don't crash like I did before.
  2. My husband posted an album of my ponies on the ME forum - maybe someone will see them and like them :)
  3. The horses were super-crazy affectionate, which ALWAYS makes my day!
  4. I got help cleaning the kitchen up, and it looks so pretty now :)
  5. I discovered that if I throw mini-parties for Kurz when he does something good that he literally gets so excited that he falls over.  Super cute. I need to get a video of it.
Today didn't go as planned at ALL.  I accidentally stayed up til 2, thinking about the crossroads episode of Supernatural and kept envisioning people's faces distorting all creepy demon like, which kept me from getting to sleep.  Remember?  I don't do scary.  Well, I woke up at 8 anyway, to take care of the critters, then tried unsuccessfully to get back to sleep after chores.  Pretty much, I was a zombie through the day, felt like crap and didn't get anything done, besides picking the paddock.  The dog walking every day for a month is going to have to start back up tomorrow, and I'm going to have to do my workouts Tues, Thurs, Sat this week instead of Mon, Wed, Fri.  Worse things have happened.

Today's 5 Things:
  1. Despite my exhaustion, I got all of my errands done.
  2. We got one of the last few round bales in the area delivered today.  My horses are happy.
  3. I started up a DeviantART page, finally, after years of contemplating it, and received a good reception for what's on it so far.
  4. I can't say this for sure, but I'm 99% I know how to finish Tali's mask now, which is great, because I've been thinking about it for months now
  5. My dogs might possibly be the cutest things ever.

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