All things aside, and despite *still* not being over my sick, I actually got a decent amount of stuff done yesterday.
2 Dr. Ritter's book is proving to make MUCH more sense after my crash course with Podhajsky. I'll add in here, too, that I'm notorious for marking up books. I don't read much fiction anymore, thanks to creative writing courses permanently lodging an editor in my mind, so I read non-fiction. I take notes in the margins, underline important, meaningful or thought-inspiring quotes. I opened Dr. Ritter's book, and it's pretty much a work of art. There was NO WAY that I could EVER write in this book (if it had been available in paperback, MAYBE), so instead, I've been sitting down with it and my laptop and outlining things as I read. It's forced me to slow down to better process what I'm learning, as well as having me think through it because college made me ever-frightened of plaigarism, so I try to paraphrase everything I type out. This is helping tremendously for my learning curve on this material so far, so yippee for that!
14 I got a little bit of 'fic work done - 600 something words maybe? I was planning to do more, but got side-tracked by one of my DIYs. After the concussion, I was going to write some when my husband drug me to the PT session he was supposed to be conducting late last night (he was unwilling to leave me unsupervised and had at that point not been relieved from the duty, so he brought me with him to sit on the bleachers while everyone ran), but got a text about halfway to base telling him to go home and take care of me, so no writing ever happened. Part of me was disappointed, because I really thought I'd get some good word count in, but there was more of me that was excited because it meant I got to go to sleep. Today's been pretty mild so far, I might hop out on the porch and get some writing in.
44 Husband took care of the floors for me, as he wanted me off my feet and certainly not looking at the ground after my accident. Kinda sucks that it takes a head injury to make him really, REALLY want to help. Oh well. At least he *did* help :-)
51 WOO! First DIY done! (This obviously happened before my puppy encounter) I was supposed to fix a pasture worth of hot wire over last month and failed to do so due to weather. Then, when Crystal was put in that therapeutic shoe, she was banned from the big pasture by farrier's orders. We only have one pasture with a round bale in it right now, so that's where the horses have to go. Well, the neighbors on the other side of one of that pasture's fencelines decided to start turning their horses out on their lawn (I'm keeping further thoughts of that to myself) since they have no grass left in their pasture and haven't bought any hay. I don't mind that they have their horses there - it's their property, not mine. I do, however, hate how their mustang has a crush on my mare, my gelding things the mustang needs to mind his own business, and my mare hates their mare. There are LOTS of squeal/snort/strikes that happen between my little herd and theirs, so I just decided to fix the problem before it got worse (besides me hating them fighting, I would NOT have Crystal getting her shoe hung up in the fene), and completely restrung the entire pasture with non-rusted-out, non-accidentally-grounded hotwire. It now zaps like a charm and is keeping everyone at respecful distances from each other <3 The sense of accomplishment from finishing that first pasture has TOTALLY encouraged me to finish the other two like ASAP, so maybe when I'm done with my nails, I'll slap on some gloves and get to work. OR I could do what I was told and take the rest of the day easy to make sure my head's going to be OK. We'll see.
Took my daily picture, and think that rounds out what I accomplished yesterday. I'm pretty glad that I decided to start my workout month over already, otherwise I'd be pretty disappointed. If all goes as planned, I'll be getting to go in to the gym for some light cardio and strength training this evening for the PT session my husband's doing. Today's aready showing promise, but I'll get to that this evening.
Yesterday's 5 Things
- My concussion *could* have been worse
- The horses were super cute trying to "help" me with the fence. Of course, they were convinced the bag of insulators was a bag of cookies, but they were still pretty cute.
- I got sushi!!!!
- I got dryer sheets!!! (we were out and while my husband claims that we don't need them for laundry, I really beg to differ)
- Being sick means I get to otherwise be "lazy" and not have to feel bad about it
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