55 Plant an herb garden - done, Done, and DONE! In 5-10 days we should have our first itty bitty basil plants growing. We also have chives, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme going. (I'm also going to try my hand at growing tomatos and black beans inside - might be absolutely insane for doing this and it will probably fail miserably, but it seemed like a good idea at the time)
58 Get a fountain!! (yes, there were exclamation points behind it on the List, too) I LOVE fountains. It's a pretty irrational love. So irrational that I convinced myself that the homeowner's association dues that we paid when we lived in Florida went solely to power the fountain in the lake at the entryway. I have wanted a fountain for I don't know how long and today, my wonderful husband surprised me with the gift of a small, tabletop fountain. Granted, it's not the huge, spray-y kind that are so fun to watch, but it's a freaking fountain! And I love it! Odds are probably pretty good that I'm going to start collecting these suckers, too, so look out!
Now, on to the rest of what I worked on today. It was a semi-unplanned spending day because I needed deodorant, Crisco and Listerine (and, apparently, herb seeds and a fountain). We also got Candy Land, which has (fortunately) gotten much less scary since I've grown up, and the most hilarious cheap-o, knock of version of Guess Who? ever made. We already played Candy Land twice, but it's been pretty hard to try to talk up this fake Guess Who? (I think it's called Who's Left?, which I think is pretty funny in itself.)
I took the day off reading today to let yesterday's reading soak in a little bit more, but am anxiously looking forward to reading more tomorrow. My paddock successfully got picked this morning, removing another eight bucket loads out which officially has it almost 1/3 of the way picked clean! Super stoked about that and anxiously awaiting when it'll be to maintenance level!
No 'fic work was done today, but I did realize that the month is almost halfway over and that I had told myself I was going to Camp NaNo this beastie. That means I'd darn well better get to work on it. This is either going to mean that I'm staying up late tonight or hardly accomplishing anything tomorrow while I try (desperately) to catch up. I hate that the entire damn thing is right there in the front of my mind and all I have to do is literally type it out, but that it seems so hard to commit to doing it. I don't know if it's just THAT embarassing that I don't want to see it in word form or what, but I'm going to shoot to churn out... hmmm... 15k in the next 48 hours. Challenge declared, and accepted! (Look forward to the update tomorrow!) In other news, I'm still keeping up with my photo-a-day. Few of them have been "artistic" yet, but I think it's going to be another one of those creating a habit ordeals to slowly make me a better photographer.
I got my workout in, though not at the gym like I'd planned. I got in my workout clothes after lunch, all ready to go the gym, then proceeded to take a nap. Oops. I compensated by doing one of the 35 minute fitness routines on Dance Central and OH MY GOSH! 1. It totally kicked my butt. 2. It's super hard to dance (and not have the Kinect pause on you) when you have dogs wrestling at your feet. Lots of fun, though. I might make this more of a habit :) So, now that my workout schedule has begun again, I have another four weeks to go. Bring it on!
I only went in to my office today to find a Sharpie. No progress was made in decluttering it today, as I had so badly hoped that there would be. I haven't gotten the sweeping or vacuuming done, but it will be within five minutes of me publishing this post. The dishes and laundry are all caught up, and I'm finally feeling like a *gasp* grown up!
As far as my nails went, I had full intentions of painting them today, but when I took the polish off from last week, they were left this really sick kind of bluish-grey/zombie/dead color that I don't think I could replicate with polish if I wanted to. I'm debating whether or not this is going to count as my fun way to wear my nails for the week or not - I didn't really *do* anything to them to make them look like this, but it IS super neat!
Today's 5 Things
- I'm seeing progress clearly in my productivity, and that's the best encouragement in the world
- Today was overcast and only reached 77. It felt like autumn and I LOVED it.
- I actually had grass to mow! And mowed it! (I LOVE my mower - it's pretty ridiculous)
- My efforts to level out the ruts around where the round pen had been seem to be working!
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