Had a pretty good one, overall. I gave myself an unreasonably long list of things to get done today and got about half of it done, so I'll consider it pretty good as a whole. I mean, seriously, I'm pretty sure that there are not enough hours in the day to get everything that I wrote down as things I wanted to do finished with all at once. Add to that the fact that I got a couple of really big things accomplished that *weren't* on this list. And the fact that I took a two hour nap in the middle of the day. Not going to appologize for that one.
The things that weren't planned for the day involved demolishing a third of what remains from the "workshop" side of my barn. I started it when we first moved in, but couldn't finish the rest of it on my own and it took me this long (and the fact that we needed to free up enough space for more hay) to motivate my husband to help. We proceeded to move about fifty bales of hay before we opted to not do much more for now, since we didn't have to. After all, we are supposed to have somewhere between 80 and 120 bales to be moving all in one day over the next week or so, so we're trying to save ourselves for that.
My paddocks got picked, my dishes and laundry completed and my picture of the day taken.
I took care of the month's new recipe today, too. I'm kind of disappointed in myself, though, because the reason that I challenged myself to this is because I'm a terrible cook and want to get better. I am, however, a phenomenal baker, which means that I subconsciously only try new recipes for delicious morsels. Today, I made a chocolate chip cookie pie which tastes just like the cookie from Applebee's cookie sundae, which is great, because my husband and I have been known to eat a nice meal at home, then drive to Applebee's just for dessert. Not very practical, but *delicious*! I think next time, I'll try a bit less butter, but overall, I'm not disappointed AT ALL.
My Mass Effect Pony project is all a mess right now. I have Joker's body about 85 - 90% done and his head prepped. Garrus's head is sculpted and baked, but his new and improved body is waiting for sculpt work (that I'm hoping I'll start tomorrow, since I have a whole lot of motivation going right now). Both MShep and FemShep have their heads prepped (her a bit further than his), and I've started dissecting a poor, poor Rainbow Dash for her transformation into a Hanar (don't ask). I'm itching to get to work on EDI and both of the squad's Asari girls, but I need to buckle down and finish who's already in the works before I let myself take on more of the cast. The last thing that I need is to get myself overwhelmed and give up again.
I painted my nails today, a pretty neon scheme that didn't turn out quite as well as I imagined it would in my head. Oh well. Can't win them all, right? Got more 'fic work done, 2165 words to be exact, which puts me at a total of 17554 for the month. I'm still terribly short of where I *ought* to be if I'm treating this like an offical Camp NaNo, but I have faith that I can catch up (and hopefully finish this beast). I'm planning to churn out another couple thousand right before I climb into bed. Not sure if that'll happen or not. It was also no-spend day number 7 for the month. Easy peasy.
Today's 5 Things:
- I got to start the day off by catching up with a great friend that I haven't talked to in quite a while
- I got up on time today, without hitting snooze (of course, I *did* take a nap, but still! Up on time!)
- I'm making progress again in claiming my barn 100% for equine activities
- Blogger totally saved 3/4 of this post for me, so when my internet had one of its stupid "I'm rural internet!" crashes, I didn't lose all of my post
- Even though it was super windy, it was a really nice day outside
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