Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 3

This morning, I did not think I'd be productive at ALL.  I'll admit that I stayed up waaaay too late last night, and then I was woken at 5 by Kurz puking up chunks of hoof trimmings (remember how the farrier came yesterday?) and then Kiga started her allergy coughing.  I took care of all of my morning chores and then was talked in to going back to bed, sans-alarm and despite what my doctor told me, by my husband.  I woke up at 10.

I took care of the day's 32 and 33 almost as soon as I got up.  I got a decent 30 minutes of cardio in (was aiming for 35, but it huuuuurt today!  Going back tomorrow to reach that goal, after all!), worked my arms four different ways, and my thighs.  Yay for getting in shape!  I also discovered that my blood pressure drops ridiculous amounts after I work out - it was 87/65 as I was getting ready to leave.  Low blood pressure isn't something abnormal for me, but I do think that was a rather decent drop.  Might want to look in to that.

2. I really enjoyed my reading today and had a lot of those wonderful "a HA!" moments.  Most of the day's "lesson" was about riding volte, and it makes so much more sense from a classical standpoint than any traditional/natural/any other kind of training standpoint.  I'm going to add here that next month's reading is going to be Thomas Ritter's book on equine biomechanics, which I've read parts of already, and I'm already making some pretty exciting (for me) connections between the hows and whys, just from these two pieces alone.  Very fun stuff.

38. Get rid of everything that I don't love or don't need
This officially began in my dresser and closet.  I've been long over-due with getting rid of socks with holes in them and shirts I haven't worn since I've been married, and that was good.  I did discover, however, that I am strangely sentimental about some articles that I haven't worn in quite some time.  I am pleased to say that there was only one shirt that I kept simply because I loved it (I don't ever plan on wearing it again), and two pairs of "skinny" pants that I'm using as motivation along with Warrior Dash to get in shape.  I even got my husband in on the fun and he got rid of a decent amount of his old clothes, too!  Tomorrow, I'm going to aim for the rest of the junk in the closet, which leads me to a question.  Is there a market for mirrors that mount behind dressers? 

39. One day a month, try a new recipe
To those that know me, it's no real surprise that I feel like I need to learn how to cook more things.  I've been consciously trying to get better at this lately, but I tend to get stuck in the rut of getting really good at one thing then not wanting to try others.  This month's experimental kitchen adventure was cinnamon rolls made with cake mix.
Obviously, I ate some.
They turned out super-duper sweet, and honestly it's getting to the point that the smell of them is a little bit sickening.  Sometime in the next few months, I plan on trying this again, only completely from scratch.  They are good, but the sweetness is hard to tolerate in large amounts.

 44 has been (partially) joined by 45 which is to wax the floors and wash the windows every week.  The windows got done, despite the best effort that dog noses made to keep that from happening, but the floors are going to wait until I can have my husband's help keeping the dogs entertained.  Freshly waxed wood floors and dogs playing chase through the house don't go very well together.

60. Have 10 no spend days a month
I'm a little daunted by this one, since we had so little of the month left, but we did it today!  Yay!  In fact, I keep trying to tell myself that we actually got money today, but that's a lie.  My husband accidentally paid our electric bill three times this month (long story, there...) and we got it reimursed today.  We didn't really *make* money, but we got some back!

70 and 40 are still going as planned, and it's only taken me three days to figure out how much easier it is to take care of the laundry if I literally fold everything and match socks as they come out of the dryer and keep a stash of hangers in the laundry room with me.  She can be taught!  I'm on the road to being a regular domestic goddess!

62's things today:
  1. I had a delicious runner's high after my workout <3
  2. I'm lucky enough to have a barn with fans for my horses to go in to when we have hot days like today (104, don't even know what the heat index gave us)
  3. I got to sleep in
  4. I got the first "year" of my embarassing fanfic outlined, so writing that should go super quick now
  5. I found a new website called Bad Vegetarian full of healthy but super easy and fun recipes that have "normal" ingredients so I can't say I'm too scared to try to make them :)
17 For whatever reason, I've tried to load today's photo of the day three times on here and it doesn't want to comply.  It was of my "husband's cat", Ninja.  She's the only critter that he came with when we got married, and it took her about two years to decide she liked me at all.  I think that I'm just going to start a Picture a Day album on Facebook and upload there, as it's easier for me to figure out (computer illiterate, remember?).  Onward to tomorrow!

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