Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 23

A few things for today:

First, I had been under the impression that "Dubstep" was a band/musician/whatever for like the longest time.  I found out last night that it is, in fact a genre.  Now I feel like a moron.  In my defense, this is the exact reason why I'm trying to listen to new stuff all of the time now.  That said, when I had my husband listen to the band from yesterday, he was like "Awesome!  Watch this video!" and it was by Scrillex (which I have listened to before) and had a pedophile that went after this little girl that was actually a witch.  Little known fact about me, I'm a great big wimp when it comes to "scary" things.  I'm not even joking that I covered my eyes on the Harry Potter broomstick ride or whatever it's called when the weird ghost-things were "jumping" out at me.  I got sooooo close to falling asleep last night, then for whatever reason made believe that I heard "Call 911 now!" and saw the freaky witch girl.  I pretty much literally ran out of the room and had to play Heroes of Might and Magic until about 2 when I couldn't stay up any longer.  I'm not allowed to watch "scary" things before bed for a really good reason.

Before all of that happened, I made a list of 10 things to get done today (strangely enough, only one of them was on The List - and it's the one that didn't get done, waxing the floors, go figure.  I think I just don't want to do that.), and I completed 9 of them!  Three hefty outdoor chores, working both horses, bathing both horses, bathing both dogs, washing dog towels and blankets and I can't remember the last thing, but I got them all done!  Go me!  As it is right now, I'm terribly, terribly exhausted and can't wait to get to sleep.  Hopefully, there will be no witch girls tonight.

The only list items that got done today were the floor maintenance, the dishes and laundry and my photo of the day.  So sue me.  (Please don't.)

My 5 Things:
  1. Dad came to visit for the night :-)  He heads out early to go judge a cheese competition, but will be back again in a couple of days
  2. Both of the horses were super good, considering they haven't had any expectations put on them due to the heat in quite some time
  3. I think I figured out what is wrong with Elliot's filter - and am trying to think of how to fix it
  4. I uncovered the fact that Clone IS the world's best barn cat.  Not only does he hunt (and take down) possums and rabbits, but he also *digs moles out of the ground.*
  5. I watched my first installment of the Olympics today.  It might be the only bit that I watch this year, but I still watched some.

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