Friday, August 24, 2012

Days 39 (yesterday) and 40

Still haven't figured out why I've been getting so tired so fast lately.  Maybe I should just get in the habit of blogging in the morning?  Dunno. 

Yesterday, got all the normal stuff done.  Got a decent amount of pony customization done.  Got my reading done.

Yesterday's 5:
  1. Got more shavings to stockpile for winter
  2. Paid off one of the husband's preordered games so we don't have to worry about it later
  3. Ate some delicious, greasy food for dinner (sometimes, that just needs to happen!)
  4. Started browsing Halloween decor :)
  5. Got to enjoy a workout-free day after being sore from the previous day.
Today ran about the same as yesterday, only I didn't wake up til almost 11 (GEEZ!) and morning chores were already done for me.  I got a decent workout in, though I screwed myself up six minutes out by chugging a quarter bottle of Powerade.  Yeah.  Can't explain why I did it, but I can tell you that I was extremely nauseous about three seconds later.  Forced myself to power walk the last six minutes to at least finish my time.  Lots of good pony work done today, and started whatever number walking the dogs every day is.  I need to look that up, huh?

Anyway, it's not even 9, and I'm already beat, not sure why on that, either.  I've got some reading and writing to do before bed, so better cut the blog short.

Today's 5 Things:
  1. Shared the string garden idea with my brother, and he made one that's super pretty :)
  2. Super close to finishing Garrus pony - he'll be done tomorrow!
  3. I slept soooooo good last night!
  4. Fast food is starting to show signs of disagreeing with me (what makes this something I'm grateful for is that I'm hoping it will encourage me to start eating better)
  5. Breakfast was a super delicious Amish made cinnamon roll :)

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