Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 33 (yesterday) and Day 34

Here I am, not blogging AGAIN!  Good thing "blog regularly" wasn't an item on my List, huh?

Anyway, yesterday was pretty awesome.  I got to sleep in because my husband did all of the morning critter chores.  It was great.  I got next to nothing accomplished, as far as the List goes, but I did go get a pot for my black beans that are growing out of control.  Also got about 1.5k written on my 'fic.  I still want to aim to finish 50k before August is through, but I have to dig out what all I've done this month and add up my total.  I know it's possible, I just have to decide to do it.  Riiiight.

Yesterday's 5 Things:
  1. My husband surprised me with taking care of morning chores
  2. I got a special breakfast *and* special dinner! 
  3. Finally started working with the horses again (I've been super lazy/super busy with other things lately), and they were amazing!
  4. My rescued orchid seems to be doing amazingly well.  Now all I have to do is hope the cats leave it alone!
  5. We got one full installment of hay moved to make room for the new hay that should (read, better) be coming next week!
Today, I got a lot more done than yesterday.  At least, it feels like I did. 

I finally started catching up on this month's equine literature, which is pretty good, since I'm running out of month, and this is super deep stuff to wade through.  The paddock got picked and my progress is finally starting to look like I've been doing something out there.  The end of massive picking is almost done, and then I get to bring out Spanky (that's my riding mower's name...) to try and finish leveling out where I've been "composting" most of what's come out of there in my desperate attempt to fix the round pen ruts that were left by the previous homeowner.

No real, official 'fic work was done today, but I did brainstorm a bunch of ideas for it (like I needed more of those...).  I might have to make an actual hour-by-hour schedule for myself before I go to bed tonight so that I can get in all of the things that I feel I "need" to do tomorrow to get myself firmly back on track.  Photo a day is still on track.  I also worked a TON on my Mass Effect Ponies, though it's not evident to most observers that much progress was made.  I scrapped the work I'd done on Mordin's head so far, as I've had him under way for so long that his clay was starting to dry out.  The one thing worse than never finishing sculpt work is to have it crack while it's baking.  I prepped baits for probably 90% of the remaining crew, which involved a lot of cutting off heads and ripping out hair, and succeeded in giving me a blister about half the size of a dime on the inside middle knuckle of my right ring finger.  This might put a damper on my thoughts of more pony work and moving hay over the next couple of days.  Oops.

My new band this week, according to the internet, is supposed to be some big, hot, new group that (go figure) I've never heard of.  They're called Friends.  I'm not sure I really "get" them, but again, I'll listen to reeeeeally close to any kind of music, so I can't say anything worse than "it's not what I usually listen to."  I'm pretty shocked at myself that it took me to the last day of the week to get to this week's band!  Yikes!  Better work on that tomorrow, huh?

The laundry and dishes things are still going great, though I haven't run the dishwasher in a couple of days because we've been hand washing a lot of things lately.  My counter and sink are still clean, though, so I'm not going to get too much more bent out of shape by the fact that dirty dishes are still in the machine.  I guess I should add that I'm one of those people that washes the dishes before they ever go into the machine, anyway, so it's not like they're actually *dirty* dirty. 

Today was our sixth no-spend of the month, and I'm going to do my darndest to have tomorrow be one, too.  It might get kind of hard, because I spent all evening craving ice cream, which we have none of, but I'm hoping that craving will go away while I sleep.  It's not very likely (as I pretty much always crave ice cream), but I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for it.

Today's 5 Things:
  1. More rain today!  Not much, but still, rain <3
  2. The lessons I worked on with the horses yesterday totally stuck with them!
  3. I swept and vacuumed for the first time in two whole days and my floors look nice again :)
  4. 3/4 of the indoor furry kids got Furminated today
  5. Our ridiculously tall hay towers were not knocked down by the cats over night.  I'm hoping that's a good sign for the future.

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